Right after my son was born, my mom cart was a life saver. Regardless of what type of birth you have, your body goes through a lot, and it’s really difficult to go in and out of the nursery all day. I was able to have all my pumping supplies nearby as well baby’s necessities. Since this cart was a holy grail for me, I decided to make a list of items you should include in your cart to make things 100 times easier for you during the early postpartum days and even after.

The first thing you will need is a utility cart with wheels. You can find this in many places. The one pictured is from Amazon by a brand called SimpleHouseware and they cost around $40. Having a baby / nursing cart with wheels will allow you to bring the cart where ever you and baby are in your house!

These carts usually have 3 tiers. Some come with removable hooks and others don’t. The one I purchased came with 3 removable hooks. They are really helpful for hanging little things like scrunchies or headbands. Babies tend to grab for your hair, especially when nursing and you don’t want to get caught up beginning a nursing session without one nearby.

Tier 1

Since I was primarily breastfeeding and pumping to store extra milk, I put breastfeeding necessities on the first tier of the baby / nursing cart. This includes snack and water for mama, as well as the basics like your breast pump, hand sanitizer, lactation massager, nipple cream, and nursing pads. I included vitamin d drops since all breasted infants should be supplemented with vitamin d. I also included pacifiers just incase.

If you are formula feeding you can substitute the pumping and breast supplies with formula and a couple bottle pre-filled with water.

These formula storage containers are super helpful.

Tier 2

On the second tier of the baby / nursing cart I like to store most of baby’s necessities, such as diapers, wipes and diaper cream. I also find it really helpful to add in extra clothes for baby incase he spits up or has a blowout. Other items I will store on this tier are a nasal aspirator, electric nail file and burp cloths.

Tier 3

The third tier of my nursing cart is the spot for a lot of the extra items. Extra pump parts and bottles, an extra nursing bra and extra snacks will all be kept there. It is nice to keep an extra blanket down here as well.

3 tier utility cart with hooks

Check out my post for other newborn & mom organization tips and a video of the specific items I put on my mom cart!